Monday, March 24, 2014

This Is Who I Am

For the past few days, I've been debating on what my first post should be about. Music? Food? My dog? Reasons why I think trees are so awesome? And then it dawned on me..... the best way to start is to tell you all a bit about myself. So, sit back, relax, grab a snack, and read about the Martian known as Mars.

It all started when I was just an egg and a sperm... okay, perhaps that's too far back. I'll speed it up a bit. After that turn of events, 9 months later, I was born on October 25th, 1986, in beautiful Central California. There, I did baby things. You know, just, whatever babies do. Not really a care in the world, other than where was my blanket, or when was I going to eat again. Fast forward 27 years, and I still want food and a nap.

Okay, let me give you some details in bullet point perspective, here.
  • I identify as Gender Fluid. Born a female, sometimes identify as male, but usually stick to non-binary. There is no wrong pronoun to call me, unless I state otherwise. Basically, I'm in the LGBT community, I'm in the Trans* community, and I'm VERY PROUD!
  • Music is my passion. I'm pretty sure my blood has music notes running through it, even though I don't know how to read sheet music. I love to play guitar and write songs, or play cover songs. I love to play mindless songs that don't make any sense to anyone but me. I love to play guitar while being barefoot during the summer. I love the way the music makes me feel, when I get lost in it. I just love music!
  • I am a comedian. If you're feeling down or having "one of those days", I probably have some sort of hilarious remedy up my sleeve. I love writing my own comedy, even if it's not as good. But I'm working on it!
  • I'm a hippie, but a drug-free one! Maybe this is why I think the '70s were so cool, or why I think trees are so darn amazing. Either way, I'm just so groovy!!
  • I have OCD, ADD, and a few other disorders. Though it can be quite a challenge in life, I never let them hold me back from doing the things I truly love to do in life. I can't see myself without these disorders, because they made me better myself in many ways.
  • I love to do charity work. I love to give to others that are in need, whether it be advice or knowledge, education, help in any way. I like to fund raise. I just love to do things for the greater good.
  • I'm a very passionate person. The people closest to me would describe me as creative, kind, generous, thoughtful, outgoing, devoted. I put my whole heart into things. I always try to find the positives in the negatives, no matter what they may be.
  • I love to bake and attempt to cook. It's fun! I get such a kick out of making things, especially when they taste good and I can actually eat them. (food allergies aren't as fun)
  • I'm always learning, growing, and listening. I love life!!
I'm sure I'll figure out more things to say. I'll have videos to post, songs to share, lots of stuff. With me, it's an adventure. So, stick around and see the world through my eyes!!